Victor 2

Victor is a Project Manager at Litespeed Construction.

As of 2021, Victor is 27 years old — the youngest member of the Litespeed team. Victor is strong on experience, though. He moved from Long Beach, CA (where he was raised) to Knoxville, TN 6 years ago. He put in the effort and worked his way up to Maintenance Supervisor, and is proficient in all aspects of home maintenance. He has bee working for Litespeed Construction for since October 2020. Victor loves being able to work outside, and he loves working on solutions to roofing challenges. In his free time, Victor practices martial arts, especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which he has been doing for 5 years. Victor’s biggest goal is to someday own his own martial arts studio. Until then, we’re happy to have him aboard. 

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